Discovery Montessori School offers a hands on, integrated curriculum in which children participate in a variety of activities that are designed to give support in several developmental areas at the same time. For example, your child(ren) may make homemade play dough during small group time. They are growing cognitively by learning about measurement, color mixing, counting, and reading (the recipe and labels); they are growing socially by taking turns and cooperating; they are growing physically by using their fine motor skills to measure and stir the ingredients and knead the dough; and they are growing emotionally by experiencing the satisfaction of completing a task and the excitement that comes from being part of a group.
Throughout your child’s school day she/he will have opportunities for learning and growth by participating in group/individual projects, circle time, and child-initiated exploration in any of our learning centers.
Preschool Classroom Learning Centers
- Library/ Language
- Creative Art
- Dramatic Play
- Construction/Blocks
- Sensory Exploration
- Science Investigation
- Music and Movement
- Math/Manipulatives
- Outdoor Play
Development of the Whole Child – Growing Cognitively
It is our goal to provide learning experiences for each child that capitalizes on their strengths to enhance their learning in other areas.

Number Recognition and Counting
- Ordering: first, next, last; before and after
Geometric Solids
- Patterns: recognizing/extending patterns
- Numbers: counting; recognizing numerals
- Number Sense: understanding more, fewer, the same
- Geometry: shapes and spatial relations
- Money: what is money and how is it used
- Time: clocks, times of day
- Measurement
- Identify parts of a book: front/back cover; title page, author/illustrator
- Understand that print reads from left to right
- Identify a word; understand that words can represent ideas/thoughts
- Predicting what will happen next
- Remembering events of a story
- Identifying with a story or relating a personal experience

Sandpaper Letters
- Alphabet Knowledge: identify letters/sounds
- Rhyme Awareness: supply and recognize rhyming words
- Beginning Sound Awareness: identify beginning sounds of a word
- Verbal Memory: reciting short poems/songs
- Pre-writing work to learn proper pencil grasp and pencil control
- Write name
- Create and write about drawings/paintings/creations
- Label objects with writing
Social Studies/Science/Exploration:

Study Using a Magnifying Glass
- Investigate by asking questions and planning a way to find the answers
- Reasoning/Logic
- Describing: colors, shapes, numbers, textures, sizes, etc.
- Recognizing natural patterns/cycles such as water cycle, life cycles, weather
- Resources: water, energy, sun, etc.
- Geography: relationships from Seattle to the solar system
- Citizenship: what makes a good citizen; democracy; etc.
- History: recognizing people and places from other time periods
- Families/Culture
- Health and Nutrition
- Explore different types of music
- Dance
- Create art using many mediums
- Learn songs
- Experience fine/modern art in many forms
Development of the Whole Child – Growing Socially
It is our goal to help each child develop their social skills in order to feel confident in their ability to work in a group with other children, work out conflicts through creative problem-solving, and contribute as a valued member to his or her community. Our socially-focused curriculum keeps social skill development in the forefront of all activities. At Discovery Montessori School, our children take care of one another, and learn to be mentors themselves.
Social skills include:
- Conversation skills
- Sharing
- Working cooperatively
- Helping others
- Being kind
- Being part of a group
- Social problem-solving
- Community awareness
- Understanding and welcoming differences
- Being assertive
- Demonstrating care and respect of others
Development of the Whole Child – Growing Physically
It is our goal to provide each child with experiences that will promote healthy physical development and a healthy attitude about exercise and nutrition. Children have opportunities throughout the day to develop both fine motor skills and gross motor skills.

Learning to Use Scissors
Small Motor Skills:
- Lace objects
- Hold a pencil/crayon/marker/paintbrush/etc.
- Make alphabet sounds with mouth
- Pinch objects such as clothespins
- Hand-Eye Coordination: touching body parts, pointing to objects, using computer, mouse, etc.
- Cutting and pasting
- Eye movement: use fingers to point to words on a page and follow moving objects with eyes
Large Motor Skills:
- Using legs to kick, jump, hop, run, walk, etc.
- Using arms to reach, push, pull, carry heavy objects
- Bending/flexibility
Sensory Exploration:
- Hearing and identifying sounds
- Touching and identifying textures/temperatures
- Tasting new foods
- Smelling and identifying odors
- Seeing and identifying light/dark, bright/dull, etc
Development of the Whole Child – Growing Emotionally
To support the healthy development of the whole child, our curriculum offers focused attention on the emotional development of each child.
To support emotional development we will aid children in:
Understanding emotions
- Identifying and naming emotions
- Understanding a range of emotions
Working Through Emotions
- Using language to express emotions
- Utilizing art to express emotions
- Being sympathetic to other’s emotions to aid in social problem-solving
Helping children to create a positive self-concept
- Awareness of self
- Self-Expression
- Changes in self
- Advocating for self
- Impulse control and self-regulation
- Sympathizing and empathizing with others