Daily Schedule for Preschool Children
Getting Settled
- Put personal belongings away, wash hands, sign-in
- Greet teachers
- Learning centers are available for child-initiated exploration and play
- Learning centers include dramatic play, science, writing, art and creative expression, creation station for building and constructing, math materials and a music and movement area
Dramatic Play
Whole Group Circle
- Greet each other and sing together
- Morning movement songs and/or stretching/yoga
- Announcing the day’s events
- Group discussion
Learning Centers
- Learning centers are available for child-initiated, teacher supported learning
Learning About Continents Using a Globe and the Puzzle Map
- Learning centers include a library area, dramatic play area, science exploration, writing center, art station, science exploration, creation station for building and constructing, math materials, phonics, practical life and sensorial
- Small skill-focused groups and special projects
- One-on-one time focused on children’s individual goals
- Children bring snack from home
- Children have snack when they choose
- Snack can be enjoyed alone or with a friend at the snack table
Small Group Circle
- Share personal news or ideas
- “Today I feel…..” discussion
- Practice songs, poems, rhymes
- Role playing social scenes
Outside Play

Outside water exploration
- Balls, jump ropes, buckets and shovels available for outside play
- Structure for climbing
- Play house for imagination and dramatic play
- Observe weather, animals, birds, and the natural world
- Nature walks
- Children and teachers enjoy social conversation and the sense of community that comes from eating together
- Children bring a bagged lunch from home
Literacy Group
- Reading stories for meaning
- Acting out stories
- Letter and number recognition
- Phonics
- Beginning reading and writing
Closing Circle/Transitioning to Home
- Read stories
- Reflect on day
- Share daily photos
- Pick-up work to go home
- Gather belongings
- Good-byes